Mid-Winter Ball Raises $130,000 Towards a New 3-D Mobile Mammography Unit

(Greenwood, SC, March 27, 2025) – The Self Regional Healthcare Foundation is pleased to announce that their 2025 Mid-Winter Ball raised a total of $130,000. 

The Foundation would like to especially thank our Ball Chairs, Dr. Lindsay Snider and Davis Renee Migdalas, for their vision and contributions of time and energy to this year’s ball. 

“We are very pleased with the Ball’s total profit towards the mobile mammography unit. As the Chairs, we understand the need for having the most up-to-date equipment available. There are immeasurable benefits of replacing our current 2-D mammography unit with a more comprehensive 3-D unit that can catch breast cancer at its earliest stages. I want to send a special thank you to our sponsors who make this event possible; we couldn’t even begin to host this event for the community without their support,” said Lindsay Snider. 

“As my first year being involved with the planning of the Mid-Winter Ball, I can honestly see why this event is indeed the premier social gathering of the year. With the help of volunteers and the wonderful Foundation staff, planning this event is as much fun for us as it is the attendees! There are so many community partners that assist in the event, from Self Regional’s Food and Nutrition Team bringing the best gourmet meal, to That Perfect Touch with Artemus Heart making sure our tables are decorated to perfection. We are thankful to the community for their ongoing support of this event. We could not have done this without the local business buy-in and our wonderful Silent Auction Committee,” said Davis Renee Migdalas.

“We are so grateful for the generosity the community shows to Self Regional. In just the last three years, almost $410,000 in charitable support has been generated by our Mid-Winter Ball,” said Jessica Garcia, Development Officer for the Self Regional Healthcare Foundation.  

“The Foundation will celebrate 38 years of the Mid-Winter Ball in 2026. Keep an eye out for date and location details and help make next year a record-breaking Ball,” said Ken Coffey, Executive Director of the Self Regional Healthcare Foundation.

For more information on the Equation for Progress campaign, contact the Foundation office at (864) 725-4256 or visit www.selfregionalfoundation.org.

About Self Regional Healthcare Foundation:

Self Regional Healthcare Foundation is a 501 c (3), not for profit organization (http://www.selfregionalfoundation.org/) that funds health-related programs and projects at Self Regional Healthcare (http://www.selfregional.org/), a not-for-profit, regional referral hospital that provides care to residents of Greenwood, Abbeville, Laurens, Saluda, McCormick, Edgefield and Newberry counties. Services include prevention and wellness, acute care and tertiary care services including cancer care, neurosurgery, heart and vascular surgery, NICU, orthopedics and genetics.

Edgewater Group’s Inn on the Square Joins Foundation’s Corporate Honor Roll

(Greenwood, SC, January 28, 2025) – The Self Regional Healthcare Foundation is pleased to announce that the Inn on the Square, part of the Edgewater Group LLC™, has joined the Foundation’s Corporate Honor Roll at the Gold Level.  

From Left to Right: Ken Coffey, Executive Director, Self Regional Healthcare Foundation, Sejal Kapadia, Field Operations Manager, Edgewater Group, Larry Johnson, Head Chef, Inn on the Square, Ketan Vora, Principal, Edgewater Group, John Cooper, Chair, Self Regional Healthcare Foundation Board of Trustees, Joannah Gillespie, Sales and Events Manager, Inn on the Square, Dr. Matt Logan, President & CEO, Self Regional Healthcare, Glenda Corley, Vice Chair, Self Regional Healthcare Foundation Board of Trustees, Chuck Rimsky, Secretary, Self Regional Healthcare Foundation Board of Trustees and Co-Chair of the Foundation Business & Industry Committee, Bob Brier, Principal, Edgewater Group, Chelsey Steifle, Self Regional Healthcare Foundation Board of Trustees and Co-Chair of the Foundation Business & Industry Committee

“We are honored to support Self Regional Healthcare and its dedication to providing exceptional healthcare to the Greenwood community. Giving back is central to our mission, and we are proud to play a part in strengthening the well-being of our community. Our commitment to the Equation For Progress Campaign reflects the Edgewater Group’s philosophy of fostering partnerships that benefit both guests and residents. Through initiatives like this, the company aims to support local organizations and causes that contribute to the overall vibrancy of Greenwood,” said Ketan Vora, Founding Partner of Edgewater Group.”

“We are thrilled to have the Inn on the Square/Edgewater Group LLC in our family of corporate donors,” said Ken Coffey, Executive Director of the Self Regional Healthcare Foundation.

For more information about the Equation For Progress Campaign, contact the Foundation at (864) 725-4256, visit www.selfregionalfoundation.org, or check us out on Facebook at Self Regional Healthcare Foundation.

About Self Regional Healthcare Foundation:

Self Regional Healthcare Foundation is a 501 c (3), not for profit organization (http://www.selfregionalfoundation.org/) that funds health-related programs and projects at Self Regional Healthcare (http://www.selfregional.org/), a not-for-profit, regional referral hospital that provides care to residents of Greenwood, Abbeville, Laurens, Saluda, McCormick, Edgefield and Newberry counties. Services include prevention and wellness, acute care and tertiary care services including cancer care, neurosurgery, heart and vascular surgery, NICU, orthopedics and genetics.

Foundation Hosts Mid-Winter Ball Sponsorship Appreciation Luncheon

(Greenwood, SC, January 28, 2025) – On January 15, the Self Regional Healthcare Foundation hosted a luncheon to honor the 2025 Mid-Winter Ball sponsors. “Year in and year out, we have been so blessed to have so many great corporate citizens support our Ball. Without our top-level sponsors, it would be difficult to hold what is generally regarded as the social event of the year in Greenwood. To our top sponsors, we say thank you,” said Ken Coffey, Executive Director of the Self Regional Healthcare Foundation.

Front row left to right:

Ken Coffey, Executive Director, Self Regional Healthcare Foundation, Dr. Holisa Wharton, Lander University, Patrick Hobson, Chandler Construction, Hillary Hollingsworth Craigo, Davis & Floyd, Casey Tompkins, Davis & Floyd, Susan Cribbs, Wesley Commons, Erin Layland, First Citizens Bank, Thornwell Dunlap III, Countybank, Jessica Garcia, Development Officer, Self Regional Healthcare Foundation

2025 Self Regional Healthcare Foundation Midwinter Ball Top Sponsors:

  • Countybank and Greenwood Capital – Presenting Sponsors
  • Chandler Construction – Venue Sponsor
  • Lander University – Lighting Sponsor
  • Robins & Morton – Dance Floor Sponsor
  • Davis & Floyd and Epic – Band Sponsors
  • Wesley Commons – Silent Auction Sponsor
  • First Citizens Bank – Invitation Sponsor
  • Frost Todd Brown – Table Décor Sponsor

The 2025 Ball is being chaired by Dr. Lindsay Snider and Davis Renee Migdalas.

“Davis Renee and I are thrilled to serve as the ball chairs for this fun yet impactful event. We have big shoes to fill as last year’s Mid-Winter Ball was one of the best! Not only was it a great time, the 2024 Ball netted $135,000 in support of the Foundation’s efforts to purchase a new, 3D mobile mammography unit,” said Dr. Lindsay Snider.

“Our goal is to continue providing a great experience for all Ball attendees and to raise $150,000 to continue assisting the Foundation with the purchase of this new motor coach which is part of the Equation For Progress Campaign,” said Davis Renee Migdalas.

Last year, the Foundation announced a lead gift of $250,000 from the Dabo Swinney All In Team Foundation and has since continued to gain generosity from the community to help with this purchase which is estimated to cost $1,000,000 +/-.  So far, $507,000 has been raised.

“As one of Greenwood’s most anticipated social events of the year, the black-tie evening is traditionally a sellout. The headlining entertainment will be Sol Fusion, a dynamic and versatile 11-member band who is guaranteed to deliver a high-energy musical experience. Attendees will also be treated to a gourmet menu created by Self Regional Healthcare’s Food and Nutrition staff and will get to participate in the ever-popular silent auction with opportunities to bid on vacations, gift certificates, activities and much more,” said Ken Coffey, Executive Director of the Self Regional Healthcare Foundation.

For more information, go to www.selfregionalfoundation.org, call (864) 725-4256, or check us out on Facebook at Self Regional Healthcare Foundation.

About Self Regional Healthcare Foundation:

Self Regional Healthcare Foundation is a 501 c (3), not for profit organization (http://www.selfregionalfoundation.org/) that funds health-related programs and projects at Self Regional Healthcare (http://www.selfregional.org/), a not-for-profit, regional referral hospital that provides care to residents of Greenwood, Abbeville, Laurens, Saluda, McCormick, Edgefield and Newberry counties. Services include prevention and wellness, acute care and tertiary care services including cancer care, neurosurgery, heart and vascular surgery, NICU, orthopedics and genetics.

Election Day BBQ Raises $10,000 Towards New 3D Mammography Unit

(Greenwood, SC, January 28, 2025) – On Election Day, November 5, 2024, Howard Corley, Steve Riley, and Dwight Herring teamed up to bring back an old Greenwood tradition – the Election Day BBQ Chicken Lunch. The BBQ netted $10,000 in funds raised to be earmarked to help the Self Regional Healthcare Foundation purchase a new 3-D mobile mammography vehicle to serve Greenwood and the Lakelands region.

Left to right: Howard Corley, John Cooper, Chair, SRH Foundation Board of Trustees, Glenda Corley, Vice Chair, SRH Foundation Board of Trustees, Dwight Herring, Dooright BBQ, Steve Riley, Emerald Ink & Stitches and SRH Foundation Board of Trustees, Chuck Rimsky, Secretary, SRH Foundation Boad of Trustees, Dana Riley, Emerald Ink & Stitches, Dr. Matt Logan, Pres. & CEO, Self Regional Healthcare, Chelsey Steifle, SRH Foundation Board of Trustees, and Ken Coffey, Executive Director, SRH Foundation

“Steve, Dwight, and I were happy to bring back the Election Day BBQ Chicken Lunch. Special thanks to Velux, O’Dell Corp., Davis & Floyd, and Lonza for purchasing meals for their team members. We know that the new mobile mammography vehicle will help save lives and we are proud to be part of the effort to obtain the new vehicle,” said Howard Corley.

In accepting the gift, Ken Coffey said, “This was a fun and delicious way to generate support for the purchase of our new mobile mammography vehicle. We thank Steve, Howard, and Dwight for their hard work and support.”

About Self Regional Healthcare Foundation:

Self Regional Healthcare Foundation is a 501 c (3), not for profit organization (http://www.selfregionalfoundation.org/) that funds health-related programs and projects at Self Regional Healthcare (http://www.selfregional.org/), a not-for-profit, regional referral hospital that provides care to residents of Greenwood, Abbeville, Laurens, Saluda, McCormick, Edgefield and Newberry counties. Services include prevention and wellness, acute care and tertiary care services including cancer care, neurosurgery, heart and vascular surgery, NICU, orthopedics and genetics.

Lloyd Roofing Renews its Support to the Equation for Progress Campaign

(Greenwood, SC, January 27, 2025) – Lloyd Roofing Co., Inc announced that the company will be making $25,000 pledge over the next five years to the Foundation’s Equation For Progress Campaign. “We are proud to support Self Regional Healthcare Foundation. Our families, our team members, many of our customers, and our community have benefitted from the outstanding healthcare services provided by Self Regional Healthcare,” said Charlie Lloyd, President. 

From left to right: Front Row – Joseph Lloyd, Vice President, Glenda Corley, Vice Chair, SRH Foundation Board of Trustees, Charlie Lloyd, President, Chelsey Steifle, SRH Foundation Board of Trustees and Co-Chair of the Foundation’s Business & Industry Committee, Chuck Rimsky, Sec., SRH Foundation Board of Trustees and Co-Chair of the Foundation’s Business & Industry Committee. Back Row – Corey Lloyd, Vice President, Sloan Lloyd, Vice President, John Cooper, Chair, SRH Foundation Board of Trustees, and Dr. Matt Logan, Pres. & CEO, Self Regional Healthcare

The Foundation’s Equation For Progress Campaign seeks charitable support for da Vinci Robotic Surgery and the creation of a Comprehensive Breast Center. Thus far, the Foundation has generated over almost $4 million in new gift income for these two projects.  

In accepting this generous pledge, Self Regional Healthcare Foundation Chairman John Cooper said, “We are so very grateful to Lloyd Roofing Co. for their leadership gift to our campaign. We believe and hope that their leadership will encourage other businesses in our community to join this campaign.” 

For more information about the Equation For Progress Campaign, please contact the Foundation Office at (864) 725-4256, visit www.selfregionalfoundation.org, or check us out on Facebook at Self Regional Healthcare Foundation.

About Self Regional Healthcare Foundation:

Self Regional Healthcare Foundation is a 501 c (3), not for profit organization (http://www.selfregionalfoundation.org/) that funds health-related programs and projects at Self Regional Healthcare (http://www.selfregional.org/), a not-for-profit, regional referral hospital that provides care to residents of Greenwood, Abbeville, Laurens, Saluda, McCormick, Edgefield and Newberry counties.

Annual Madame Curie Society Event

On October 24, 2024 the Self Regional Healthcare Foundation held its annual Madame Curie Society Fall Recognition and Education Event at Piedmont Technical College. The program, State of the Heart: An Overview of the Self Regional Healthcare Cardiology Service Line, featured four of Self Regional Healthcare’s Cardiologists. Dr. Paul Kim, Dr. Shekar Kumar, Dr. Mario Rivera, and Dr. Rollo Villareal spoke about their individual cardiac expertise and use of technology heart attacks, heart failure, TAVR and Watchman.  

Click here to view the full event album

Do you have a story of appreciation and gratitude for SRH? We would love to hear from you!

Share your story here: https://forms.office.com/r/AHxWeFvhWv